Corporate Social Responsibility

Being in business for more than 45 years, Multivista has always believed in functioning true to our corporate conscience. We have adopted Corporate Social Responsibility as an important extension of our work, as we comprehend the importance of sustainable corporate development alongside community participation. Every individual at Multivista believes that apart from the business goal of profit, being socially responsible is also fundamental to the company’s reputation and in line with long term developmental interests. Taking this belief into action, Multivista has played a key role in delivering financial aid to a plethora of organizations belonging to varied domains such as healthcare, education, basic amenities & hygiene. We emphasize on business sense of Embedding CSR & sustainability into routine operations, which sets our business apart from the rest.

Today, not only consumers but also employees and stakeholders prioritize CSR while choosing a brand or company to partner with. Multivista has joined hands with corporations accountable for effecting social change in the field of eye care, people with psychosocial disorders, cancer survivors, and food sustainability. We are encouraged that the next generation of customers and employees are in quest of organizations that focus on the triple bottom line: People, Planet, and Returns. We endeavour to bring some good into the world while possibly cutting inefficiencies or unnecessary costs. We are aligning our business activities intending to be socially accountable and demonstrate this by investing that increased profit into programs that give back to society at large.

Some of the key programs and organisations supported by our CSR initiatives are listed below:

  • We have sponsored cataract surgery for the needy at Rajan Eye Care Chennai Vision Charity.

  • We have helped many patients to undergo initial screening tests to identify and confirm cancer, enabling them to take their first step towards the proper treatment via Cancer Institute.
  • We took a progressive step in providing facilities and proper education to visually challenged children along with Shishu Shakti.
  • Multivista also takes care of abandoned people with psycho-social disorders by offering them support and timely help through The Banyan.
  • Multivista provides funds to Kauvery Hospital and provides free dialysis treatment to patients from disadvantaged circumstances.

  • By donating to Lifeboat Foundation Trust, the company pays for the semester fees of orphans or children from single-parent families with poor means.
  • We have collaborated with the Rotary Club of Madras East and Rotary Foundation India to develop two smart classrooms for the Vivekanand Educational Society.

We continue to dedicate our efforts to socially responsible action. Through this, we are delighted to invoke our consumers that ‘happy feeling’ of being associated with something good, something responsible, and something morally right.