We bear all the load for you… Railways

Timken keeps the world turning, with innovative ways to make products perform better, faster and efficiently with less friction. Timken’s highly engineered bearings, alloy steels and associated products and services turn up everywhere – on land, on the seas and in space.

With operations in 27 countries, sales of $4.1 billion in 2021 and over 18,000 employees, Timken is ‘Where You Turn” for better performance. Timken was founded by Henry Timken in St. Louis, Missouri in 1899. The company is headquartered at Canton, Ohio.

With operations in 27 countries, sales of $3.1 billion in 2009 and 17,000 employees, Timken is ‘Where You Turn & Trade’ for better performance. Timken was founded by Henry Timken in St. Louis, Missouri in 1899. The company is headquartered at Canton, Ohio. Multivista’s association with this industry leader has enabled us to serve key clients across industries.

Timken Products Range

Multivista & Timken

Multivista is partnered with Timken since 1996.  Initially our partnership gave us the opportunity to service customers in the southern region. We served diverse industries, which include cement, power, steel, Oil Exploration, Mining, OEM machine builders and General Engineering.

Since 2019 we moved out of the Industrial customers space and continued to focus and grow the business for Timken Solutions for a Key Customer – The Indian Railways. We have a focused team that understands the unique purchase procedures and regulations adopted by the Railways in the Zonal, Workshop and Manufacturing locations spread around the country. 

Learn more about
Timken at


Gear Case Bearing


M432148A / M432111 / 798 / 792

Application areas

WAP-5 Loco Gear Box Bearing

Main Gear Bearing


L558548 / L554810

Application areas

WAP-5 Loco Gear Box Bearing

UIC – 130 Bearing


H127746H – 90010

Application areas

LHP Coach Wheel Bearing ( High Speed Bogies)

Class E Bearing


HM129848 – 90332

Application areas

Wagon Wheel Bearing

Class F Bearing


H133444 – 90349

Application areas

EMD Loco Wheel Bearing

MSU Bearing


M-244249A / NP-659842 & XC – 2480-CB / M-244210

Application areas

Diesel Loco ( ALCO Loco ) Motor Suspension Unit Tube Bearing

MSU Bearing


67919 / 67981 & 67919 / 67982

Application areas

BHEL Loco Suspension Tube Bearing

MSU Bearing


M249747 / M249710 & M349547 / M349510

Application areas

GM Loco ( Diesel ) – Motor Suspension Unit Tube Bearing



Class E Bearing

Application areas

Wagon Wheel Bearing

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